Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Conference Prep 101

I am in prep mode getting ready to attend the Writer's Digest Conference The Business of Getting Published in NYC next week. I decided earlier this summer that I was going to spring some hard earned dough (and frequent flyer miles) on ONE writing conference this year. Considering I'm looking to get published, and figure out how to successfully use all of these wonderful social media tools to promote my material, this conference seemed like the perfect fit.

Now I have the jitters. It's not like I have never been to conference before. I've attended many over the course of my professional life (both as a vendor and a participant). I know the importance of taking good notes, making sure you have lots of business cards, and networking with anyone and everyone you can strike up a conversation with (at appropriate times of course). I learned long ago that conferences and alcohol do not mix.

There are lots of different articles and blogs out there to help prep for a writer's conference. It shouldn't surprise anyone that after reading several, I started to see a contradiction or two. (One blogger says DO make sure you bring your manuscript, another says that is a big DON'T.)

One DON'T that surprised me was a blogger who said not to put "writer" or "author" on your business cards because that is viewed as pretentious. What?? These days it is all about your "author's platform" when you are talking about marketing yourself. If it is pretentious to even call yourself what you are then we have a problem. I've written two books, and while they remain unpublished (for the moment) I defend my right to claim my "Author" status!

One of the most interesting bits of info I found was a LinkedIn discussion thread. I liked the Q&A format there, and thought there was some good advice beyond the normal tips/tricks.

I plan on blogging and tweeting from the conference. I thought that would be a great way to keep up with what I'm learning and share relevant nuggets. I can't wait!

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