Monday, February 15, 2010

Oh Sticky Notes- How I Love Thee

They infiltrated my life when I wasn't looking. I had a mental note to go through my notebook and follow-up on all the to do's that had gotten buried in other to do's. I had been diligent in my efforts to mark action items in my notes (with a checkbox next to each) but delinquent in actually completing them. I needed a better system.

Enter the sticky note. Now I could keep a running list front and center each day. I could stick to my computer screen, or off to the side of my desk so that I could add and cross off at will. It was liberating. There was a great satisfaction to realize at the end of the day I could simply peel an unfinished list off the desk, smack it to my planner, and pick up where I left off at home.

Then the insidiousness began. I wrote separate lists, on different colored sticky notes, to organize "personal" and "work" related activities. My stickys were following me everywhere now, and a neon green tablet found its way into my coat pocket, for those "spur of the moment" sticky ideas. Sticky notes were in my books, my journals, my magazines; anywhere there was an idea or action that required my attention at a later date.

It was standing in the Target office aisle, drooling over the myriad of color, size, and sticky note options that I realized I had an obsession. But it's one that I can't help but embrace. I feel empowered with the sticky at my side. Watch out world. Who knows what will happen now that I'm organized.

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